
Getting Started

To get started with CBM you need to create your salon and select your suppliers. You can add as many salons and suppliers as you like.

  1. From the HOME screen select SETTINGS, CHANGE ROLE OR SALON, SALON OWNER. In the top right corner select ADD SALON and enter your salon details.

  2. Next, scroll down to SUPPLIERS and select ADD, choose your preferred brand from our list of suppliers and simple TAP to add them to your salon. If you use more than one SUPPLIER select ADD again to TAP and add them to your salon

  3. You can make pre quoting and Colour Allocation compulsory in this screen by toggling them ON or OFF

  4. You can update your salon details, toggle buttons and suppliers anytime simply by selecting EDIT.

  5. Once completed tap SELECT to go back to the HOME screen

  6. Watch the video here: Adding your salon

Adding your colour inventory

Before you can get select colours for your salon guests or clients you need to add and update your current colour inventory, this is the quantities of colour you have on your shelf today. You can do this by the tube or by the gram:

  1. From the HOME screen select STOCK and TAP on your chosen SUPPLIER

  2. TAP the colour you wish to add. Under CURRENT STOCK use the + or - button to add full tubes of colour, or select CHANGE to add partial tubes or by the gram.

  3. Select DONE. Continue to do this until all of your current stock and inventory is added.

  4. You can also add in the COST of your colour by selecting CHANGE in the $ per Tube tab, this will help you keep an accurate record of the cost of your colour services per client.

  5. To make ordering future inventory easy, update the MAXIMUM and MINIMUM quantities you like to have for each colour in the IDEAL STOCK tab

  6. Watch the video Adding Stock and Inventory

Why can I not select colours or activators to add to my bowl?

Make sure in the STOCK screen you have added in you inventory items.  To do this, select STOCK, select SUPPLIER, tap on the colours and enter the stock quantities you have in your colour bar

What does pre quoting mean?

Using our pre quoting feature helps you keep track of how much colour is costing your salon per service. This allows you to price and charge correctly for your colour services and capture accurate reporting for your colour bar management. You can turn this on or off, turning it on makes it compulsory for your team to add the amount of money they are charging for their salon colour services every time.

  1. From the home screen select SETTINGS, select CHANGE SALON OR ROLE, select SALON OWNER then EDIT

  2. Scroll down to PRE QUOTING and COLOR ALLOCATION and TOGGLE them on or off

What does colour allocation mean?

Using our colour allocation feature helps you keep track of how much colour your salon is using per service. This allows you to price and charge correctly for your colour services and capture accurate reporting for your colour bar management. You can turn this on or off, turning it on makes it compulsory for your team to add the amount of colour they are using for their salon client today each and every time.

  1. From the home screen select SETTINGS, select CHANGE SALON OR ROLE, select SALON OWNER then EDIT

  2. Scroll down to PRE QUOTING and COLOR ALLOCATION and TOGGLE them on or off

Adding a new client

  1. From the HOME screen select CLIENT then select ADD CLIENT from the top right corner.

  2. Enter your client details, select DONE.

  3. Next, select ADD VISIT to create your first colour!

Searching for a client

  1. From the home screen select CLIENTS. Type the first name in the search bar to find an existing client.

  2. Tap TODAY’S VISITS to find clients already in the salon today when you want to edit their formualtion.

  3. Choose ADD CLIENT from the top right corner to add a new client

Adding a bowl

  1. Add or search for your client and then select ADD VISIT, add in your pre quote and colour allocation select DONE.

  2. Select your SUPPLIER and then choose ADD COLORS.

  3. TAP to add your colours from the GRID, or use the QUICK SEARCH or PRODUCT navigation bar to select your colours, you can add multiple colours to your bowl, Select DONE

  4. Add in the amount of grams you are using for each colour selected

  5. ADD ACTIVATOR by tapping on the activator you want and the mix ratio, yes CBM will do this maths for you!

  6. Select DONE from the top right corner.

  7. To have more than one bowl per client service, select ADD BOWL again from the top right corner and repeat this process

Naming your bowl

This will help you keep track of what and how your formulations were used.

  1. Select NAME BOWL and type in what you are using your formula for ie. new growth colour, or Mid lengths and Ends. Select DONE

  2. Select ADD NOTES if you want to add a more detailed description of your formulation and what is was used for. Select DONE

Choosing Shades

There are three ways you can add colours, additives and activators to your bowl

  1. Tap the GRID to add your desired products

  2. Use the QUICK SEARCH bar at the top. Here you can add multiple product names for fast entering, make sure to seperate them by a comma ie. 5.7, 6.3, 6.31

  3. Use the NAVIGATION bar to select by product ie. TAP lightener to access all of your supplier lightening products

Choosing Activator

  1. Using more than one activator in your bowl? Use the toggle to select DOUBLE this will allow you to add multiple activators to your colour formula

  2. Use the slider to determine the amount of each activator required ie. If you have added 20vol and 10vol by sliding to have 50% + 50% you will be using half 20vol, half 10vol

  3. Select NEXT and choose your mixing ratio, CBM will then do the activator math for you based on the grams of colour in your bowl, great right!

Adding more colour to the bowl

If you need to go back and mix more colour for your client

  1. Tap TODAY”S VISITS, select your client from the drop down list.

  2. TAP on the date and select CHANGE BOWL. You can add in your extra grams, and CBM will automatically update the activator for you. Select DONE

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